Israel and the World Powers
coloured pencil on paper
32.7 x 32.2
(upper left): 'Him'
@George Him estate
Photo: Ben Uri Gallery
This cartoon was used for the cover of the magazine The New Middle East, using universally recognised symbols, such as Arab dress, the Stars and Stripes, and Hammer and Sickle,...
This cartoon was used for the cover of the magazine The New Middle East, using universally recognised symbols, such as Arab dress, the Stars and Stripes, and Hammer and Sickle, Him constructs a troubling narrative concerning the future of the State of Israel. The artist and Illustrator, David Gentleman, wrote in Him’s obituary that his work was ‘always adventurous, humorous and elegant; but it also had a simple and unassuming, almost childlike air’ that ‘seemed to belie his breadth of vision and understanding.’
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