Nazi Berlin Cabaret, 1978
photomontage on paper
61 x 46 cm
(lower centre): 'Reginald Case'
© Reginald Case estate
Photo: Bridgeman images
This piece and its companion, 'Max Heliger', are part of a 1978 series on the theme of holocaust, including a piece called ‘Sonderbehandling (special treatment, Nazi bureaucratic term for killing...
This piece and its companion, 'Max Heliger', are part of a 1978 series on the theme of holocaust, including a piece called ‘Sonderbehandling (special treatment, Nazi bureaucratic term for killing prisoners)’, displayed at the V&A, London. As a child growing up in the 1940s in the United States, Case was disturbed by the postwar revelations of the horror that had taken place in Europe and began to exorcise his childhood demons in a series of collages exploring these theme.