Ways into Art is a programme of ready-made art discussion and art making activities, inspired by thirty key artworks from the Ben Uri collection. Organised into six themes for easy navigation, each artwork features three PDF downloadable resources; an A4 printout to share with participants, information to host an informal art discussion and a step-by-step guide to an art making activity inspired by the artwork. Film tutorials give guidance and advice on the practicalities of running a session, as well as demonstrating how it might look. Check out the short overview film below for more information.
Ways Into Art video available with captions here |
The short training tutorial films are designed to offer guidance and feature demonstrations to help build confidence in using the pre-prepared resources. From here, the sessions can be tailored to reflect your commitments and the preferences and abilities of your group. The resources are designed for those with little or no experience in running creative sessions, yet will also appeal to those with an interest in working with a Gallery collection.
Having watched the overview film to get a sense of the project, the introductory film is the next step, giving advice on practical considerations like recruitment, setting up the room and sourcing materials. Three demonstration films follow; the first showing how to run an art discussion, the second how to run an art making session, and the third demonstrating how to run both sessions together. These should be viewed in preparation for using the artwork resources but can also be shared with those colleagues or volunteers assisting in the sessions.
Ways into Art was developed as a response to unsustainable funding. Traditionally, funding enables galleries and museums to deliver projects ranging between 6-10 weeks. On conclusion of this time, the project is over with no legacy or support, despite the energy and commitment undertaken to achieve this positive impact. Ben Uri Arts and Health Institute seeks to change this way of working, by offering skills and creative confidence, empowering those vital staff and volunteers with an interest in creativity to continue creative engagement.
Getting started
To run your sessions successfully, some planning is required. The 'Introduction' film will guide you through the Ways into Art resources and offer practical hands on advice to get you started. You will also find the 'Starter Pack' here, containing useful advice on the materials you might need, suppliers and how to set up your room. This will help to equip you with the skills and confidence needed to run your first session. Additional resources to help your sessions run smoothly have also been provided below, including template posters to advertise sessions and an example 12 week session plan.
Tutorial films
Now we have explored how to plan, prepare and set up for a session, it is useful to see it in practice. The three films below demonstrate three types of session; art discussion, art making, and an art discussion which leads into art making. Each style is demonstrated with further advice and tips, alongside real session footage and further explanation of how the resources should be used to support you. Which style of session would you like to run?
Artwork resources
Below are six themes, representing thirty artworks. With each artwork you will find three printable PDF resources: a printout of the image, an art discussion guide and a practical activity guide. Explore the themes to find which you are most drawn to: if you particularly enjoy looking at portraits, Identities may be for you, if you’re more interested in modern art, try New Visual Language. There are no right or wrong ways of using these resources, so allow yourself to be inspired.
As you begin to run your sessions, you may have additional questions or need guidance. The additional resources offer ongoing advice and support as you explore Ways into Art. They are updated regularly as others using the resources share their thoughts and challenges, so remember; there's no such thing as a silly question, and if you've thought it someone else probably has too! If you’re in need of further support, use the contact details below to get in touch.
Keep in touch
One of the joys of Ways into Art is seeing this great collection reaching new audiences, to inspire conversation, creativity and connections. We’d love to hear what you think of the artworks and to see what you’ve made, so please do keep in touch. You can contact us on the contact details above, or engage with us on social media. We look forward to hearing from you!
If you’d like to find out more about Ways into Art, you can get in touch with David Glasser at davidg@benuri.org