Alfred Harris b. 1930
Notes Towards a Self Portrait: Check Shirt, 2011
oil and charcoal on canvas
53.5 x 42.5 cm
framed: 62.7 x 51.5 cm
framed: 62.7 x 51.5 cm
© Alfred Harris
Photo: Bridgeman images
The artist’s head and shoulders fill the frame. Areas of pure, vivid red and green wash over the head and half the face, while the application of charcoal in both...
The artist’s head and shoulders fill the frame. Areas of pure, vivid red and green wash over the head and half the face, while the application of charcoal in both lines and patches builds up and gives definition to the face and the body, adding weight and bulk. Harris’ ongoing series of searching self-portrait ‘studies’, including both paintings and drawings, has been at the centre of his practice for more than 20 years.
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