Emmanuel Levy 1900-1986
Portrait of Horace Brodzky
pencil on paper
38.4 x 30.5
(lower right) 'E. Levy'
@Emmanuel Levy estate
Photo: Bridgeman images
Completed in the same year as his portrait study of Lowry, Levy’s head of Horace Brodzky (1885–1969) is a fine likeness of the Australian-born artist of Jewish descent. Both men...
Completed in the same year as his portrait study of Lowry, Levy’s head of Horace Brodzky (1885–1969) is a fine likeness of the Australian-born artist of Jewish descent. Both men exhibited at Ben Uri’s 1935 'Annual Exhibition of Works by Jewish Artists' and Brodzky also held a solo show at Ben Uri in 1965. Levy also exhibited a portrait of Horace Brodzky in the 1982 Jewish Faces exhibition at Ben Uri Art Gallery, 21 Dean Street.