Marc Chagall 1887-1985
Shakespeare's portrait, the ship struck by lightning and the play's protagonists, 1975
lithograph on paper
42.5 x 32.5 cm
In the facing frontispiece, Chagall depicts the proportionately large image of Shakespeare on top; the protagonist of the play, Prospero, up front right; the spirit Ariel, in the shape of...
In the facing frontispiece, Chagall depicts the proportionately large image of Shakespeare on top; the protagonist of the play, Prospero, up front right; the spirit Ariel, in the shape of an angel, to the left; and the ship rocking on the waves in the centre. From outside the freely-sketched oval that encloses the world of the play emanates bold rays of lightning that strike the ship. The relative size of the figures would seem to indicate the hierarchy of powers responsible for the tempest, from playwright to powerful magician, and down to the spirit who executes his master’s commands. These figures serve as intermediaries, agents of Providence that strikes the ship with lightning from above.
Acquired with the support of the Nina and Roger Charitable TrustBe the first to know – Sign Up
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