Henri Gaudier-Brzeska 1891-1915
Sculptural Head of Brodzky
black chalk on paper
32.5 x 20
(lower right) 'Gaudier Brzeska'
Photo: Ben Uri Gallery and Museum
This is one of two portrait heads of painter and draughtsman Horace Brodzky (1885-1969), whose work is also represented in the Ben Uri Collection. Brodzky met sculptor Gaudier-Brzeska in 1913...
This is one of two portrait heads of painter and draughtsman Horace Brodzky (1885-1969), whose work is also represented in the Ben Uri Collection. Brodzky met sculptor Gaudier-Brzeska in 1913 and sat for a bust (Portrait of Brodzky, 1913, plaster and bronze), for which this is a study. Brodzky published a biography of Gaudier-Brzeska in 1933.
purchased at Christies London March 2018 through the support of three great friends of Manya Igel in her honourLiterature
Roger Cole, 'Henri Gaudier Brzeska - A Sculptor's Drawings' (London: Peter Nahum at the Leicester Galleries, London, 1995), no. 7.Be the first to know – Sign Up
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