Max Heimann 1909-1953
Hands of the Artist's Wife with Bird
oil on board
34.5 x 29.3
(lower right) 'Heimann'
@Max Heimann
Photo: Bridgeman images
Heimann painted portraits, street scenes and many still-lifes often with a sense of heightened realism. Here, the little bird pulling the string taught, seems to be in control, while the...
Heimann painted portraits, street scenes and many still-lifes often with a sense of heightened realism. Here, the little bird pulling the string taught, seems to be in control, while the much stronger human hand loosely grips the other end. Somehow, human and bird both look comfortable in this scenario.
presented by the artist's widow Ellen BungerExhibitions
Max HeimannLiterature
'Finchleystrasse: German artists in exile in Great Britain and beyond 1933-45' (London: Ben Uri Gallery and Museum in association with the German Embassy London, 2018), p. 27.Be the first to know – Sign Up
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