Jacob Pins 1917-2005
Acre (from 'Landscapes')
woodcut on paper
27 x 13
@Jacob Pins estate
Photo: Bridgeman images
'Acre' was originally made in 1952 and used as illustration no. 3 in Jacob Pins 'Landscapes [Woodcuts]', published by The Dvir Publishing Co. in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1955. In...
'Acre' was originally made in 1952 and used as illustration no. 3 in Jacob Pins 'Landscapes [Woodcuts]', published by The Dvir Publishing Co. in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 1955. In his introduction to this volume, Eugene Kolb, Director of The Tel Aviv Museum, observed how these landscapes are 'striking witnesses' to the artist's 'talent. Here [...] concentrated on one single subject, the landscape of Israel'.
Presented by Marcel Schajer in memory of his late aunt Mona WoislawskiBe the first to know – Sign Up
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