Natan Dvir b. 1972
The Shtetl is Burning
digital C-Type lambda print
70 x 105
@Natan Dvir
Photo: Bridgeman images
This photograph was taken in 2007 during the tense days of Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank and won the Ben Uri International Jewish Artists of the Year Awards...
This photograph was taken in 2007 during the tense days of Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from the West Bank and won the Ben Uri International Jewish Artists of the Year Awards 2007. Dvir comments, 'The works are part of a long term project exploring various sides of Human Belief as it is reflected in scenes of conflict and religious nature. The intensity of belief driving people to extreme and sometimes surreal situations is reflected in the confrontations between the Israel security forces and Jewish settlers during the evacuation of Jewish settlements in the West Bank during 2005-6.'
acquired from the artist 2007Be the first to know – Sign Up
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