Lily Delissa Joseph 1863-1940
Teatime, Birchington
oil on canvas
117 x 122 cm
Photo: Bridgeman images
Following her marriage to the architect Delissa Joseph, F.R.I.B.A. (1859–1927), Lily Delissa Joseph painted interiors at Birchington, Kent, where the couple had a summer house, North Sea Lodge. Delissa Joseph...
Following her marriage to the architect Delissa Joseph, F.R.I.B.A. (1859–1927), Lily Delissa Joseph painted interiors at Birchington, Kent, where the couple had a summer house, North Sea Lodge. Delissa Joseph built two of her brother Solomon's studios including one at Birchington in Kent and it is not clear at which house this painting was observed. In 1963 at a historical exhibition of the Women's International Art Club, a a painting entitled Lunchtime, Birchington was lent by Mrs Ethel Soloman [sic]. Mrs Ethel Solomon, Chair of Ben Uri (1943-66) also presented the current painting to the Ben Uri Collection and it is not clear whether these are two separate paintings or whether the titles have been conflated or confused.
presented by Ethel SolomonLiterature
Oil Paintings in Public Ownership in Camden (London: The Public Catalogue Foundation, 2013), p. 21, illus;Walter Schwab and Julia Weiner, eds., Jewish Artists: the Ben Uri Collection - Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculpture (London: Ben Uri Art Society in association with Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, 1994), p. 55 (161)
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