Phineas Leopold May 1906-1995
Mr Manfred Philip Vanson
pencil, pen and ink on paper
21.3 x 12
(lower left): P. L. May
@Phineas Leopold May estate
Photo: Ben Uri Gallery
Born in Hamburg in 1916, Mr Manfred Philip Vanson was the Executive Director of the Jewish Blind Society. May depicts him here as a kind-looking, bespectacled man, with his face...
Born in Hamburg in 1916, Mr Manfred Philip Vanson was the Executive Director of the Jewish Blind Society. May depicts him here as a kind-looking, bespectacled man, with his face occupying most of the page against a pitch-black background. As AJR Information wrote in February 1980, upon Vanson's receipt of OBE, 'due to his initiative, devotion and administrative ability the scope of the Jewish Blind Society has greatly expanded during his term of office.' The Jewish Blind Society was founded in 1819 as the 'Institution for the Relief of the Indigent Blind of the Jewish persuasion', providing sheltered housing across London and the rest of the UK. The newspaper also noted Vanson's role as a founder member of the Association of Executives of Jewish Communal Organisations and his work as part of European and world-wide liaison committees established by the major Jewish welfare organisations.