Abraham Melnikov 1892-1960
Head of Adolph Michaelson
37 cm (excluding wood base)
@Abraham Melnikov estate
Photo: Bridgeman images
Adolph Michaelson (born Osher Michaelowski in Poland) was the Superintendent of the Jews' Temporary Shelter in Mansell Street, Whitechapel from 1912–1940, assisted by his wife, Sarah as the Matron. Michaelson...
Adolph Michaelson (born Osher Michaelowski in Poland) was the Superintendent of the Jews' Temporary Shelter in Mansell Street, Whitechapel from 1912–1940, assisted by his wife, Sarah as the Matron. Michaelson was also elected Chairman of the Ben Uri Art Society from 1926–45 (although the gallery was closed between late 1939 and its reopening in January 1944). A cutting in the Ben Uri archive reveals that this bronze bust was presented to him ‘as a token of appreciation for his good work as Chairman of the Society for the last 13 years’ by the Rev. Goldstein at a ‘festive evening’ in the autumn of 1937 in which Yiddish folk songs were sung and attendees included the 'famous Jewish artist Jankel Adler', then resident in France, who was visiting London.
commissioned by the society 1937Literature
Walter Schwabe and Julia Weiner, eds., Jewish Artists: the Ben Uri Collection - Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculpture (London: Ben Uri Art Society in association with Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, 1994), p. 79.Be the first to know – Sign Up
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