Max Sokol 1895-1973
Portrait of Alfred Wolmark
48 x 20 x 25
(lower right): 'M Sokol'
@Max Sokol estate
Photo: Bridgeman images
Polish-Jewish emigre artist Alfred Wolmark was closely associated with the Ben Uri for many years: in 1925, together with Solomon J Solomon, Wolmark presided over the official opening of the...
Polish-Jewish emigre artist Alfred Wolmark was closely associated with the Ben Uri for many years: in 1925, together with Solomon J Solomon, Wolmark presided over the official opening of the Ben Uri’s first gallery in Great Russell Street, also acting as Vice-President from 1923–56, and as adviser on purchasing policy. Wolmark appears in many other portraits in the collection covering most of his career including an early Self-Portrait (1902), a small cameo portrait mischievously included in the background (upper left) of his monumental painting, The Last Days of Rabbi ben Ezra (1905), a dandified portrait by Ernest Borough-Johnson (c. 1909-15), a caricature in Alfred Adrian Wolfe's cartoon of the 1917 art committee, and in another later portrait by Ben Uri's longstanding Treasurer Cyril Ross (c. 1950s).
purchased 1939Literature
Walter Schwabe and Julia Weiner, eds., Jewish Artists: the Ben Uri Collection - Paintings, Drawings, Prints and Sculpture (London: Ben Uri Art Society in association with Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, 1994), p. 96.Be the first to know – Sign Up
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