Ghisha Koenig 1921-1993
Compositors VI
bronze; wooden base
20 x 26.7 x 26.7
@Ghisha Koenig estate
Photo: Bridgeman images
Ghisha Koenig's compositors (type-setters) is typical of her small-scale reliefs from the 1950s onwards, in which she sought to capture the relationship between man and machine, while maintaining the individuality...
Ghisha Koenig's compositors (type-setters) is typical of her small-scale reliefs from the 1950s onwards, in which she sought to capture the relationship between man and machine, while maintaining the individuality and dignity of her subjects, whom she observed at first-hand in factory conditions over a period of more than 40 years. Toby Treves has commented that 'she might properly be considered as a semi-detached member of Britain's small group of postwar political social realists'.
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