Alfred Daniels, Self-Portrait, c. 1950sView more details
Helena Darmesteter, Reflection in a MirrorView more details
Marion Davies, Portrait of Alice Herz-SommerView more details
Dorrit Dekk, Composition with Collage, 1990sView more details
Sonia Delaunay, Illustration for Rythmes et CouleursView more details
Sonia Delaunay, Poster for Galerie Bing, Paris, 1964View more details
Isaac Dobrinsky, Head of a Girl, c. 1945View more details
Dodo, FedernView more details
Dodo, Three Illustrations for Joseph and his BrothersView more details
Dodo, Verkündigung (Annunciation), 1933View more details
Eric Doitch, The Old Underground StationView more details
Shmuel Dresner, Pages from the Diary of David Rubinowicz, 2005View more details
Shmuel Dresner, The Ghost Town, 1982View more details
Amy Drucker, For He Had Great Possessions, 1932View more details
Amy Drucker, The Village of Dor, PalestineView more details
Michael Druks, Untitled, 1990View more details
Mario Dubsky, CollageView more details
Mario Dubsky, Figure Study (II)View more details
Edgar Duchin, Earthquake Village, Bussana VecchiaView more details
Albrecht Dürer, Christ Taking Leave of His Mother, 1511View more details
Natan Dvir, Homesh Evacuation #01 / Taken Down, 2007View more details
Natan Dvir, The Shtetl is BurningView more details
Henry Edion, Rocketry, 1970View more details
Georg Ehrlich, Two Sisters, 1945-46View more details
Ernst Eisenmayer, Internment in DouglasView more details
Ernst Eisenmayer, Law and Order, 1962View more details
Ernst Eisenmayer, Still LifeView more details
Benno Elkan, Chief Rabbi Dr J.H. HertzView more details
Benno Elkan, Job and his Three Comforters: Panel from the Knesset Menorah, 1956View more details
Nigel Ellis, HushView more details
Ben Enwonwu, The Dancer (Agbogho Mmuo – Maiden Spirit Mask), 1962View more details
Henri Epstein, Forest of RambouilletView more details
Jacob Epstein, Albert Einstein, 1933View more details
Jacob Epstein, Alexander MarguliesView more details
Jacob Epstein, Bust of Jacob Kramer, 1921View more details
Jacob Epstein, Gertrude in a Bathing Cap, 1911View more details
Jacob Epstein, LydiaView more details
Jacob Epstein, Professor Samuel Alexander O.M.View more details
Jacob Epstein, Romilly John, 1907View more details
Jacob Epstein, Sholem AschView more details
Jacob Epstein, Shulamite Woman (Arab Girl)View more details
Yehudo Epstein, Portrait of a ManView more details
Erno Erb, The RabbiView more details
Patricia Espir, Red Sea AngelView more details
Mateusz Fahrenholz, History, 1991View more details
Hermann Fechenbach, LeninView more details
Hans Feibusch, Abraham and Isaac, c. 1973View more details
Hans Feibusch, David and GoliathView more details
Hans Feibusch, David and Goliath (blue)View more details
Hans Feibusch, David and Goliath (green)View more details
Hans Feibusch, Isaac with Abraham Carrying Wood for the Altar FireView more details
Hans Feibusch, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, 1973View more details
Hans Feibusch, Jacob Wrestling with the Angel, c. 1973View more details
Hans Feibusch, Moses on Mt SinaiView more details
Hans Feibusch, Moses with the Tablets of the Law, 1973View more details
Hans Feibusch, Naomi and her Daughters-in-Law, 1973View more details
Hans Feibusch, Naomi and RuthView more details
Hans Feibusch, The DanceView more details
Hans Feibusch, Three Messengers, 1988View more details
Frederick Feigl, Bevis Marks SynagogueView more details
Frederick Feigl, The RestaurantView more details
Sylvia Finzi, Untitled, 1984View more details
Sandra Fisher, Portrait of Meir Appelfeld, 1990View more details
Joseph Otto Flatter, Simeon Alex Chima Onyejiako, LLB, 1962View more details
Zena Flax, Forest, c. 1971View more details
Charles W. Fliess, Portrait of a Woman, 1949View more details
Elsa Fraenkel, Head of a Girl (Shirley Solomon), c. 1938-48View more details
Elsa Fraenkel, Head of Chungsen Chou, 1928View more details
Elsa Fraenkel, Head of the Haham Dr Moses Gaster, 1936View more details
Hannah Frank, Sun, 1943View more details
Eva Frankfurther, Elderly Jew of the East End, c. 1951-58View more details
Eva Frankfurther, Jewish Woman, East End, c. 1951-58View more details
Eva Frankfurther, Old Woman of the East End, c. 1951-58View more details
Eva Frankfurther, Refugee (aka Man in Hat, Profile Facing Left), c. 1951-57View more details
Eva Frankfurther, The Accused, c. 1958View more details
Eva Frankfurther, West Indian Waitresses, c. 1955View more details
L. Michèle Franklin, Banished, 1985View more details
L. Michèle Franklin, Body BankView more details
Barnett Freedman, Country Lane, 1926View more details
Barnett Freedman, D-Day Preparations (Briefings)View more details
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