Colour Electric: Women Artists and Abstraction: Talk by Dr Marie-Anne Mancio

25 October 2023 

UK 6.30pm | LA 10.30am | NY 1.30pm | SA 7.30pm | Israel 8.30pm

If you cannot make, it don't worry – book your seat, and we will forward a recording


Discover some of the fascinating women artists who pioneered and developed abstract art in the twentieth century: from the radical textile and painting experiments of Sonia Delaunay, co-creator of Orphism, to the bold ceramics of Grete Marks, the intuitive vibrancy of Anna Mayerson, and the art of Sandra Blow, a leader of 1950s British abstraction, through to the lyrical works of U.S. Abstract Expressionist Helen Frankenthaler who sought ‘one really beautiful wrist motion, that is synchronised with your head and heart,’ and Wilhelmina Barns-Graham, whose synesthesia inspired a different relationship with colour.


Marie-Anne Mancio trained as an artist prior to her D.Phil Maps for Wayward Performers: Feminist Readings of Contemporary Live Art Practice in Britain and M.Phil Creative Writing. She writes and lectures internationally (Tate, Dulwich Picture Gallery, Arts Society, HENI and through her own company Hotel Alphabet) on art. As a Founder Member and co-director of InFems art collective, she exhibits, writes, and co-curates, latterly ‘Lost Girls’ for War Child at Flowers Gallery, London.


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