Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (2): Blessing over Shabbat Candles, 1916View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (2): Circular Design: Stars of David, 1916View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (2): Design for Ben Uri Arts Society, 1916View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (2): Design with Deer, 1916View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (2): Monument to Theodor Herzl, 1916View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (cover), 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (cover), 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album (cover), 1916View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album: Blessing over Shabbat Candles, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album: Blessing over Shabbat Candles, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album: Design for Ben Uri Arts Society, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Ben Uri Album: Monument to Theodor Herzl, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Circular Design (Stars of David and Menorah)View more details
Lazar Berson, Circular Design for Ben Uri Art Society, c. 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Circular Plate for Ben Uri for Pesach (Passover), 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Design for Ben Uri Art Society, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Design with Decorative Vessels from the Ben Uri Collection, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Design with Deer, 1915View more details
Lazar Berson, Design with Deer (II), 1915View more details
Jack Bilbo, Miriam, 1963View more details
Pearl Binder, Immigrants, 1960View more details
Edith Birkin, Liberation Day, 1987View more details
Simon Black, Damascus Gate Coffee Shop, 1985View more details
Harry Blacker (Nero), Compulsory Bath Parade: In the Shower 1942, 1942View more details
Harry Blacker (Nero), East End Kitchen Interior, 1930View more details
Harry Blacker (Nero), It Gives Me Great PleasureView more details
Harry Blacker (Nero), Stick Picket: Night Patrol around Camp Perimeter 1942, 1942View more details
Harry Blacker (Nero), The Night Watch: Guardroom at Poperinghe Barracks 1943, 1943View more details
Harry Blacker (Nero), Workshop Interior: Poperinghe Barracks 1942, 1943View more details
Naomi Blake, Abraham and Isaac, 1987View more details
Naomi Blake, Emergence-A, 1987View more details
Martin Bloch, House in Varengeville, Normandy, 1939-43View more details
Martin Bloch, Reclining Nude, c. 1950sView more details
Martin Bloch, Svendborg Harbour, Denmark, 1934View more details
Maurice Blond, Parisian Street Scene, 1945View more details
Sandra Blow, Drawing No. 21, c.1969View more details
Dorothy Bohm, Torn Poster, South Bank, London, 1984View more details
David Bomberg, Armenian Church, Jerusalem , 1923View more details
David Bomberg, Benchers Hall, Inner Temple, 1947View more details
David Bomberg, Cameo Corner, 1989View more details
David Bomberg, Canal Bank, France, 1920View more details
David Bomberg, Figure Composition, c. 1919-20View more details
David Bomberg, Ghetto Theatre, 1920View more details
David Bomberg, Ghetto Theatre, Study, c. 1920View more details
David Bomberg, Mount Zion and the Church of the Dormition, Jerusalem, 1923View more details
David Bomberg, Portrait of John Rodker, c. 1939View more details
David Bomberg, Racehorses, 1913View more details
David Bomberg, Ronda, Spain, c.1954-56View more details
David Bomberg, Sappers Under Hill 60, c. 1918-19View more details
David Bomberg, Study for Ghetto Theatre I, c. 1919View more details
David Bomberg, The Family (Study for Ghetto Theatre II), 1919View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Blue Grey Fishes, c. 1950s-60sView more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Jewish Festivals (contents page), 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Jewish Festivals (front cover), 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Passover, 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Sabbath, 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Shavuoth, 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Shofaroth, 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Simchat Torah, 1957View more details
Jacob Bornfriend, Succoth, 1957View more details
Ya'akov Boussidan, KetubahView more details
Denis Bowen, Double Star: B, 1989View more details
Frank Brangwyn, Old Men in a Synagogue, 1981View more details
Frank Brangwyn, Sermon in the SynagogueView more details
David Breuer-Weil, Head, 2000View more details
David Breuer-Weil, Maquette for Visitor, 2010View more details
Horace Brodzky, Experimental Plate 1B (Three Self-portraits), c. 1912View more details
Horace Brodzky, Nude, 1934View more details
Horace Brodzky, Supper at EmmausView more details
Stanislaw Brunstein, Blowing the Shofar, 1983View more details
Georg Buchner, Portrait of a Young GirlView more details
Joseph Carl, Beggar Woman on Liffey Bridge DublinView more details
Carliss, Venetian BywayView more details
Bettina Caro, Portrait of Mama GimolView more details
Reginald Case, Max Heiliger, 1978View more details
Reginald Case, Nazi Berlin Cabaret, 1978View more details
Marisol Cavia, Touch Me if You Dare, 2008View more details
Marc Chagall, A view of the island, 1975View more details
Marc Chagall, Accused of spying and treachery, Prince Ferdinand draws his sword upon Prospero, 1975View more details
Marc Chagall, Apocalypse en Lilas, Capriccio, 1945-47View more details
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