Käthe Strenitz, WappingView more details
Hermann Struck, Portrait of a BoyView more details
Ben Uri Studio, Circular Plate for Ben Uri (Halevi)View more details
Glenn Sujo, Figure Study for Roma, The FountainView more details
Asher Susser, The Artist's Brother, Isaac, c. 1946View more details
Philip Sutton, Claud's Still LifeView more details
Philip Sutton, Heather's FlowersView more details
Philip Sutton, Little SkrinkleView more details
Philip Sutton, Parliament Square, 1988View more details
Adriana Swierszczek, Abduction of EuropaView more details
Marek Szwarc, A Jew from the ShtetlView more details
Willy Tirr, Acid BrownsView more details
Willy Tirr, Flight IIIView more details
Ben Tobias, Café Zeus, Berlin, c. 1920sView more details
Ottilie Tolansky, Girl in a Red Shirt, c. 1950View more details
Ottilie Tolansky, Portrait of Rabbi Joseph TrostmannView more details
Edward Toledano, Single ImageView more details
Elisabeth Tomalin, Head, c. 1928-34View more details
Elisabeth Tomalin, Untitled (flower piece)View more details
Feliks Topolski, Camp Guards and Inmates after LiberationView more details
Walter Trier, Market WomanView more details
Edith Tudor-Hart, Elisabeth TomalinView more details
Fred Uhlman, Welsh Cottages, c. 1950sView more details
Unknown, Celebration (Dancing Figures)View more details
Unknown, Commemorative piece with 29 signatures, 1940View more details
Unknown, Head of a Man, c. 1940s-50sView more details
Unknown, Man Seated by River with BoatsView more details
Unknown, Photograph of Jacob Epstein's 'Jacob and the Angel' and 'Adam'View more details
Unknown, Portrait of Israel ZangwillView more details
Unknown, Sir Jacob Epstein 'Travelling Alone'View more details
Lesser Ury, Berlin Street SceneView more details
Salomon van Abbé, A Canvey BarnView more details
VickyView more details
Vicky, 'No Coloureds'View more details
Vicky, Berlin: Crisis? What Crisis?View more details
Vicky, TimeView more details
Hans von Bartels, Three Dutch Fisher GirlsView more details
Marevna (Marie Vorobieff-Stebelska), (Second) Portrait Sketch of Chaim SoutineView more details
Marevna (Marie Vorobieff-Stebelska), Portrait Sketch of Chaim SoutineView more details
Marevna (Marie Vorobieff-Stebelska), Portrait Sketch of Marc Chagall with CatView more details
Mark Wayner, Celebrities in CaricatureView more details
Mark Wayner, David LowView more details
Mark Wayner, Epstein, 'Remorse'View more details
Mark Wayner, George Lansbury, 'A Suggestion to Epstein for a Bas-Relief'View more details
Mark Wayner, Louis GoldingView more details
Mark Wayner, Max BeerbohmView more details
Mark Wayner, Mr Arnold BennettView more details
Mark Wayner, Mr John Drinkwater ReadingView more details
Mark Wayner, Portfolio end pieceView more details
Mark Wayner, Sir Edward MarshView more details
Mark Wayner, Sir Thomas BeechamView more details
Mark Wayner, Sir William RothensteinView more details
Morris Weidman, Auschwitz, A Cry of Grief without EndView more details
Shraga Weil, Symbols of PassoverView more details
Shraga Weil, Symbols of Passover (The Ram)View more details
Harry Weinberger, In Winter, ManchesterView more details
Roberta Weinstein, Fantasma (I)View more details
Roberta Weinstein, Fantasma (II)View more details
Roberta Weinstein, Fantasma (III)View more details
Roberta Weinstein, Fantasma (IV)View more details
Ivor Weiss, Four Card PlayersView more details
Ivor Weiss, Men Praying (Four Rabbis)View more details
Ivor Weiss, The Last Supper (2), 1972View more details
Ivor Weiss, Women of LucaniaView more details
George Weissbort, Still LifeView more details
Anthony Whishaw, Dead Sea ScrollsView more details
Anthony Whishaw, Dome of the RockView more details
Katerina Wilczynski, 'Menue' at House Kauffmann, 1954View more details
Katerina Wilczynski, Cleveland Row, 29 April 1941, 1942View more details
Katerina Wilczynski, Liège, 1946View more details
Katerina Wilczynski, Ohly's Kitchen, c. 1940sView more details
Katerina Wilczynski, Untitled (Harbour Scene), 1940View more details
Scottie Wilson, GreediesView more details
Monica Winner, Portrait of a Lady, 1987View more details
Clare Winsten, AttackView more details
Clare Winsten, Portrait of Joseph LeftwichView more details
Clare Winsten, Untitled (Vorticist Figures), c. 1911-12View more details
Willow Winston, Forest CathedralView more details
Alfred Adrian Wolfe, The Arts Committee MeetingView more details
Edward Wolfe, Nude with CatView more details
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