This painting, probably exhibited at Metzger’s 1960 Temple Gallery retrospective as Girl at Hunstanton (1957), depicts an almost indecipherable figure gazing out of a bus window. Hunstanton, 16 miles north of King’s Lynn, where Metzger lived between 1953 and 1959, was the location of Peter and Alison Smithson’s strikingly modern secondary school, completed in 1954, in a style known as New Brutalism. The building, known locally as ‘the glasshouse’ was a place of fascination and inspiration for Metzger, who visited the site both during its construction and following its completion.
Becoming Gustav Metzger: Uncovering The Early Years, 1945-59
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108a Boundary Road, St John’s Wood, London, NW8 0RH
Now open Wednesday to Friday 10 am - 5.30 pm
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