• Monday

  • Dora Gordine

    Dora Gordine

    1895 - 1991


  • Tuesday

  • Interstices, Discovering the Ben Uri Collection, Curated by René Gimpel


    Discovering the Ben Uri Collection, Curated by René Gimpel


  • Wednesday

  • Laura Green, Albert Dock, 2005

    Laura Green

    Albert Dock, 2005



  • Dia al-Azzawi, Personality of the Week

    Dia al-Azzawi

    Personality of the Week

    Dia al-Azzawi was born in 1939 in al-Fadhil, Baghdad, Iraq. He earned a BA in Archaeology from the University of Baghdad in 1962, and later a Diploma in Fine Art from the Institute of Fine Art, Baghdad in 1964. Following Saddam Hussein’s ascension to power in 1976, he immigrated to London where, as a pioneer of modern Arab art, he continued his career as a painter and sculptor, while also working as an editor and curator, culminating in a major retrospective at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford in 2022-23.


    Discover more about his life and achievements here

  • Friday

  • Through the Wire: Black British People and the Riot by Eddie Chambers

    Through the Wire: Black British People and the Riot by Eddie Chambers

  • Saturday

  • Ben Uri and Bloomberg Connects

    Ben Uri and Bloomberg Connects

    Ben Uri is one of only 170 museums and cultural institutions worldwide to have been invited to have their web presence installed as part of Bloomberg Connects. Explore an institution a week and it will take more than three years, but 30 minutes will inspire you to plan new visits.


    Discover more

  • Sunday
