Daytime Audience
pencil on paper
28 x 37
@Jane Millican
Photo: Bridgeman images
Speaking about her work, Jane Millican has said: ‘Looking at a painting I tend to overlook any overt image and examine the process of its making: the applications of paint....
Speaking about her work, Jane Millican has said: ‘Looking at a painting I tend to overlook any overt image and examine the process of its making: the applications of paint. Even in the service of depiction, a brushmark can take on a life of its own’. Millican reworks Bomberg’s Ghetto Theatre study in her own depiction of a daytime theatre audience; her dynamic pencil strokes are meticulously layered to create the illusion of freshly-squeezed oil pigment, a technique that allows her subjects a similar freedom of movement and fluidity present in Bomberg’s original. The tonal range provides a visual clue to the original use of pencil.
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