Chaïm Soutine and his Contemporaries: From Russia to Paris
Forthcoming exhibition
Illustration for Rythmes et Couleurs
printed paper
53.6 × 38.4
Photo: Bridgeman images
In 1964 Delaunay formed a close friendship with the poet Jacques Damase and in July 1965 they collaborated on the illustrated book, Rythmes et Couleurs, which brings together Delaunay's abstract...
In 1964 Delaunay formed a close friendship with the poet Jacques Damase and in July 1965 they collaborated on the illustrated book, Rythmes et Couleurs, which brings together Delaunay's abstract visual 'poetry', using circle and square motifs, with Damase's verbal rhymes in eleven pochoirs (a stencil process for making coloured prints or adding colour to a printed key illustration) including the cover. This image from page 23, accompanies Damase's text (page 21). The book was printed by Ettore Falchi and published by Editions de la Galerie Motte in Paris in a limited edition of 100 copies in 1966.