Lazar Berson
Circular Design for Ben Uri Art Society, c. 1915
coloured inks on paper
44 x 44 cm
signed (verso): D. Simkovitz, signature or dedication on reverse of circular design reading 'D. Simkovitz'
Out of Chaos traces the remarkable first century of Ben Uri Gallery and
Museum from Jewish émigré beginnings in London’s East End to mainstream art museum operating under the banner
‘Art, Identity and Migration’.
Ranging from late 19th-century painting to 21st-century new media, it represents a distinct visual survey of artistic and social life in Britain by artists primarily of Jewish descent and their complex cultural heritage. Rarely-seen masterpieces from the collection include works by Frank
Auerbach, David Bomberg, Marc Chagall, Mark Gertler, Leon Kossoff and Chaïm Soutine telling compelling stories of identity, migration, war and resettlement.
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David Bomberg
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Marc Chagall
Bernard Cohen
Arnold Daghani
Sonia Delaunay
Shmuel Dresner
Amy Drucker
Natan Dvir
Ernst Eisenmayer
Jacob Epstein
Eva Frankfurther
Barnett Freedman
Yitzhak Frenkel-Frenel
Rachel Garfield
Mark Gertler
George Grosz
Leo Haas
Victor Hageman
Solomon Alexander Hart
Josef Herman
Leon Hirszenberg
Lily Delissa Joseph
R. B. Kitaj
Clara Klinghoffer
Leon Kossoff
Chana Kowalska
Jacob Kramer
Emmanuel Levy
Max Liebermann
Alfred Lomnitz
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Edwin Mingard
Jacqueline Nicholls
Moshe Oved
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Sophie Robertson
Isaac Rosenberg
Michael Rothenstein
Arthur Segal
Simeon Solomon
Solomon J Solomon
Chaïm Soutine
Irma Stern
Lesser Ury
Clare Winsten
Alfred Wolmark
Ezra Wube
Zeev Ben Zvi
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