Lazar Berson
Circular Design for Ben Uri Art Society, c. 1915
coloured inks on paper
44 x 44 cm
signed (verso): D. Simkovitz, signature or dedication on reverse of circular design reading 'D. Simkovitz'
From 21 May until 9 June 2016, at the generous invitation of Christie's, Ben Uri Gallery and Museum presents a unique exhibition celebrating its past, present and future sharing the vision driving the museum into its second millennium. Bringing together 100 works for 100 years, the majority from the celebrated permanent collection, augmented by a number of generous loans from contemporary artists from émigré and refugee backgrounds, the exhibition displays 100 works by some 90 artists across a range of media and practices, highlighting the significant and continuing relationship between immigration and art.
The credit lines reflect the ownership of artworks at the time of the original display.
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