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ISBN-13: 978-0853316558
For nearly 80 years, the Ben Uri Art Society has been at the heart of the artistic and cultural life of Anglo-Jewry. Founded in 1915 in the East End of London, it has built up an important collection of paintings, drawings, prints and sculpture by Jewish artists — one of the most extensive of its kind. A catalogue of the collection was first published in 1987, but has been out of print for some time. This new revised and expanded edition includes information on acquisitions since 1987, and updated biographies of artists covered in the first edition. With nearly two hundred illustrations, biographical details on every artist, and a full catalogue entry for each work in the collection, this is a key reference work, and a tribute to the achievement of Jewish artists this century in the field of visual art.
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Enid Abrahams
Albert Abramovitz
Jankel Adler
Eva Aldbrook
Hazel Alexander
Naomi Alexander
John Allin
Manfred Altman
Isaac Amitai
John Henry Amshewitz
Marcia Annenberg
Avigdor Arikha
Boris Aronson
Sydney Arrobus
Isidor Ascheim
Arnold Auerbach
Frank Auerbach
Josefine Auspitz
Yehuda Bacon
Howard Baer
Peter Baer
Samuel Bak
Léon Bakst
Rose Baron
Mati Basis
Judy Bermant
Lazar Berson
Harry Blacker (Nero)
Martin Bloch
Maurice Blond
Sandra Blow
David Bomberg
Jacob Bornfriend
Horace Brodzky
Marc Chagall
Alfred Cohen
Ruth Collet
Hugo Dachinger
Arnold Daghani
Sonia Delaunay
Shmuel Dresner
Amy Drucker
Mario Dubsky
Henry Edion
Jacob Epstein
Patricia Espir
Hermann Fechenbach
Hans Feibusch
Frederick Feigl
Sylvia Finzi
Sandra Fisher
Zena Flax
Charles W. Fliess
Elsa Fraenkel
Eva Frankfurther
Barnett Freedman
Naum Gabo
Abram Games
Mark Gertler
Enrico Glicenstein
Hilde Goldschmidt
Dora Gordine
Phyllis Gorlick-King
Leopold Gottlieb
Ernest Greenwood
Nina Grey
Marthe Hekimi
Julie Held
Lily Delissa Joseph
Clara Klinghoffer
Jacqueline Morreau
Fay Pomerance
Maurice Sochachewsky